Monday, November 14, 2011

Beach Bound

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

A welcomed retreat from the last three months.  Moving can be stressful!  So, I will say again, a move, starting two boys in differing schools, learning the new "process" of Virginia based-therapy versus what I had known all of Nicholas' life in Delaware.  I was beat!  Beat to the core!  I needed a break! 
Myrtle Beach was the location...enjoy the photos!

My family...

As the title reads, I am a Blessed mother of two boys!  I have been initiated into one of the very best of clubs.  Club motherhood!  I love my life, I am enriched to have a wonderful, loving husband and two perfectly wonderful boys.  They both are special, one just happens to have an extra chromosome!  Oh- how magical that chromosome is!  He has transformed this family into something more beautiful than we already were!  I will discuss more at a later time, in the meantime enjoy a little break and visit the beach with us.

blessings to all